iMod Systems

The Future of Construction is on the Assembly Line

The Safest Classrooms in California

  • Fire Resistant
  • Decay Resistant
  • Landfill Resistant
  • Hurricane Resistant
  • Earthquake Resistant

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What you need to know

DSA Approved

Branches around the world

HCD Approved

Customers in
24 countries 

Cal State Approved

Growth over the past year

How It Works

1. Contact us

Contact us by phone, email, or via the contact form.

2. Tell us your needs

Describe your project and tell us your budget. 

3. Approve estimate

We'll prepare a plan for you to review and approve. 

4. Project kick-off

Once we've agreed on all the details, we'll get started.

5. Project ends

Project ends on time, and when you're fully satisfied.

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