We Build Resilient Buildings


iMod public housing and school buildings are all steel structures that feature concrete fiber cement subfloor, steel membrane roofs, fiber cement exterior cladding, metal deck ceiling panels and much more. There is no wood in our structures and we are Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) compliant.


iMod public housing and school buildings contain no wood and feature decay resistant materials such as concrete fiber cement subfloor, steel membrane roofs, fiber cement exterior cladding, metal deck ceiling panels and much more.


Portable school facilities typically last about 20 to 25 years, ultimately ending up in the landfill. By design, iMod school facilities are built to last 100+ years. They are easily reconfigured, relocated, and repurposed to accommodate inevitable change for years to come.


iMod high performance buildings are designed to withstand the most rigorous wind loads, exceeding the design standards of Dade County Florida. Two of our buildings reside in Port au Prince, Haiti, and one in Guam that have, and continue to, withstand the greatest wind loads on earth.


The iMod building system features a highly engineered special moment frame designed to absorb the highest earthquake levels in California. Our building envelope, including our interior walls, float within the space frame without damage. iMod educational structures are Platinum rated through the U.S. Resiliency Council representing the highest level of building performance in even the most severe earthquake.

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